Way of Python in 2021 😇

Hashini Munasinghe
5 min readFeb 19, 2021

The Python programming language dating from 1991 was called a gap-filler, a way to write scripts that “automate the boring stuff” or to easily test software that would be introduced in other languages. However, over the past few years, in modern software creation, infrastructure maintenance, and data processing, Python has arisen as a first-class citizen. It is no longer a language of back-room utility, but a significant force in the development and management of web apps and frameworks, and a core catalyst of the big data analytics and machine intelligence boom.

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, high-level, interpreted programming language. It’s dynamically typed and focuses on the python code’s readability. This is appropriate for several operating systems and a multi-paradigm is also provided. CPython, which is also open-sourced, is the most common format. It’s a readable language, and as a scripting language, Python programming is also used. Luckily, it’s simple. Essentially, program languages are written by a computer program and they are used in almost every piece of technology used today. As — language works and runs differently, computer languages often vary and that makes them a bit more peculiar and unusual. For applications or technologies to work with ease, languages need to be streamlined.

Look back on Python

In 2020, tech gods including Google and Reddit, Twitter, PayPal, Instagram, Netflix, and Dropbox have selected the Python coding language. But it wasn’t easy to achieve this achievement. This accomplishment is illustrated by the fact that Python is a multi-purpose language that can be used to complete any programming task: development of smartphones and web applications, scienctific computing, development of games and device management.

Why Popular?

The Python programming language is going to mark its 30th anniversary in 2021.Python is most popular among machine learning and IoT application-focused developers, according to SlashData. Due to its user-friendly approach, Python’s popularity has grown and is ideal for both beginners and experts. It’s extremely easy to read and understand computer code, particularly though you know very little about Python programs or even any programming language.The language python software is one of the best choices since it is easy to use and understand. The syntax is stripped back; it replaces difficult coding and replacements it with plain words. Codes can be written and executed conveniently and rapidly.

According to https://spectrum.ieee.org web page Python was a Top Programming Language of 2020 with a100.0 Score. The Main Reason for that is mobile and tablet software, GUI-based desktop programs, machine learning, data science, and network servers Python may be used. The programming language has tremendous support from the community and provides many open-source libraries, frameworks, and plugins that make the creation of applications a cakewalk.Python, for example, provides Django and Flask, popular web development libraries, and TensorFlow, Keras, and SciPy for applications in data science. While Python has been around for a while, learning this language in 2020 makes sense because it can help you easily get a job or a freelance project, accelerating your career development.

Today and Future of Python

In 2021 Python will become the most popular programming language because:

The success of Python is increasing and will in the future be indispensable.

In the future, where other programming languages are expected to disappear into the past, the programming community firmly predicts that Python will continue to retain a significant share. A Study performed by the Stack Overflow coding group shows that Python is the world’s fastest-growing programming language and is expected to continue. If someone is learning to program in Python now, they will lift

Major developments for the future rely on Python.

It is prudent to consider the technology employed in the future when considering a course in personal technological advancement. One is indirectly lagging behind others by not engaging in expertise about these innovations.

Technologies that are more and more likely to be used in the future include:  Data Science.  Machine Learning.  Web Development.  Computer Science Education.  Computer Vision and Image Processing.  Game Development.  Medicine and Pharmacology.  Biology and Bioinformatics.  Neuroscience and Psychology.  Astronomy.  Other areas such as robotics, autonomous vehicles, business, meteorology, and graphical python Resources under interface (GUI) Development

What are the reasons to learn Python in 2021

1. Quick start and simple syntax The syntax of Python is similar to the grammar of English. Also for those new to computing, the programming language is relatively easy to understand. The indentations inherent in the syntax often make it simple and easy to read Python code and you can do a lot of it with a detailed simple understanding. Anyone who has already learned other Programming Languages would have gained another useful competitive ability.

2. For your Feature Data science is one of the most important reasons why you can study Python. Data scientists are in demand, well paying, and work in super thrilling careers. Visualizing results, statistical analytics, expertise in programming, anyone? For scientists with statistical expertise, the technology sector is very complex and particularly fascinating. 3. Python Resource Python and several other libraries have a robust standard catalog. There are plenty of opportunities to help you solve the computing challenges because of the broad user base and the age of the programming language. There are numerous reasons why Python is now outside application areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, game creation, or cloud setup with over 125,000 external libraries.For eg, for game creation, NumPy for data science, Astropy for space exploration, Tensorflow for machine learning, or PyGame. About the rather jerky mobile interface accessibility, language is now playing an important role also in web growth and it is the back-end of YouTube, Instagram and Raddit. 4. Always Helping Another explanation why you should use Python is the wide community. Python is open source, which ensures that you can do everything that affects the language technically. For you, the broad and lively user base ensures that nearly all of your questions and anyone who can support you would have a fitting forum. But what does a population of Pythons look like? It contains foreign participants who call themselves Python programming fans with diverse backgrounds and abilities. They hold workshops and conventions or coordinate technology partnerships. To stay in touch with creators, the community uses mail lists. 5. Open is Open Source

Open source is a term initially used to refer to open source applications (OSS). Open source software is a freely distributed code where anybody can see, change and share the code as they see fit.Modern implementations of Python are copyrighted under a certified Open Source Project GPL-compatible license. The Python logo is a trademark, but customization is possible.Flask, Keras, spaCy, Sentry, OpenCv are Examples for open Source projects in python. Creation of the desktop graphical user interface. Python is also known for its modular architecture along with the ability to operate on multiple OSs. These two features, together, make Python a very frequent option for the creation of GUI applications. PyQt, WxPython, PyGtk, Tkinter, PySide, and Kivy compose the list of the best python-based framework for GUI Applications. For a bit, Python has been around. Today, Netflix, Apple, Dropbox, Stripe, Instagram, and Spotify have been selected. Indeed, a basic language is often referred to as Python. However, it’s very strong as well. And while a developer starts quickly, it’s not as easy to outgrow Python as to outgrow any other programming language. In 2021 Python will become a world famous programming language.



Hashini Munasinghe

Undergraduate at Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka