Science Fiction & Human Life

Hashini Munasinghe
12 min readAug 20, 2022


Today Science fiction stories are playing an important role in human life. Science fiction is acknowledged as assisting in the advancement of present society’s culture. We can’t limit Science fiction to only novels and newspaper articles. Today we have Science fiction movies to get a better entertainment feeling. To identify between possibly present artificial intelligence technology and future developments in the area of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, a technological analysis of the examined Science fiction stories is necessary. The assessment of contemporary Science fiction including movies with an impact on human thinking is crucial since it can influence future AI paths. The number keeps going up year after year. Because all we have is our curiosity. The film industry is doing a fantastic job of producing more and more science fiction films. Despite the fact that books are fantastic, many people nowadays prefer to watch movies instead of reading them. People were more drawn to literature, theatrical shows, and the arts in the past, when they did not have as much technology as they do now.

Why is science fiction so important? Because of its help to look at the world logically and explore our universe philosophically, it motivates people to become scientists and, science fiction is the only genre that depicts alternate social structures.

The best example of how science fiction can influence the development of Artificial Intelligence 2001 (also known as AI) was released in the United States. The main character in this movie is the child robot “David” and he loves his human mother the most. The mind-body connection that underlies this film is stimulated by David’s personality. Finally, he loved his human mother like a human child. This is a very entertaining and emotional movie, which is based on AI. Using this movie AI researchers and Students try to think in new ways to develop Robots and this is a big support to AI Enthusiasts to move the AI field.

This movie encourages the audience to think about how people interact with one another, with technology, and with their environment. One vision for the future, among many possibilities, is presented in this superb work from this movie. By bridging the gap between the present and the future, science fiction encourages people to consider the complex ways in which our decisions and interactions contribute to the development of the future.

R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) is a good example of an AI Science fiction book and his book introduced the concept of robots. It was written by Karel Capek in 1920. Surprisingly, the play looks to get a lot of details about the characters’ connections right. It first aired on January 25, 1921, and is credited with popularizing the term “robot” in English and science fiction in general. R.U.R. quickly gained a following after its release. It had been translated into thirty languages by 1923. The story begins at a facility where synthetic organic matter is used to make artificial beings, or robots.This novel has since included all that modern science fiction has attempted to say about robots. Nationalist nations have now deployed robots to conduct fights, which were originally created to save manpower. Many of the modern world’s threats and tragedies, such as ecological catastrophe, artificial intelligence, and autonomous technology, are predicted in this book. It also emphasizes the significance of carrying out technical impact evaluations. Robots are viewed as living creatures from the start, and their treatment is reminiscent of slavery and serfdom. They are live beings with artificial flesh and blood, rather than robots. Humans have the ability to think for themselves, hence they may be erroneous. They appear to be able to work with humans at first, but a robot rebellion eventually leads to humanity’s destruction. Capek later took a different approach to the same theme in the War with the Newts, showing non-humans as a servant class in human civilization.

The finest part is Helena’s response. We develop sympathy for things or persons in proportion to their physical likeness to us; their physical similarity indicates that they must share similar feelings. Humans have greater empathy than animals, mammals have greater compassion than insects, and so on. As a consequence, Helena is perplexed as to why a computer that looks like a person lacks feelings. We can say Helena hopes for four schools of Thoughts from these robots. R.U.R. was a smash hit in Europe and North America. The term “Robot” became part of the English language or everyday vocabulary after this story was written. As a consequence, we can see how science fiction stage theater has assisted robotics or AI research.

Reading this kind of AI Science fiction book, people can Open their minds to new ideas, get philosophical ideas to use AI technologies incorrectly, Identify the drawbacks of AI robots and people can come up with better ideas to develop AI algorithms. Science fiction allows us to consider the futures we want and don’t want, as well as how our actions affect them

1. AI (2001)

Artificial Intelligence 2001 (also known as AI) was released in the United States. The main character in this movie is the child robot “David” and he loves his human mother the most. This film is a good example of Cognitive Machines and Man-Machine Coexistence.

This robot child “David” loves her human Mother like a human child.

Her human Mother’s name is “Monica” and her child was in a Coma situation. That’s why David brings that home. David is a robot but that machine can feel the love, faith, and sensation of a human mother. David was born with the ability to love. After being activated with a code, he fixes on the activator, in this film his Human Mother. He was made to fall in love with her and to be loved by her.

When Her child arrives home healthy, her human mother can no longer bear it and dumps David in the forest. Monica’s choice to release him rather than turn him in stems from her strong feelings for David; by making him love her, she made herself love him. His unwavering affection had to be pretty appealing. We share a similar affinity with our pets, particularly dogs, who appear to be genetically pre-programmed to adore us.

David travels through a world where mechas have no rights in the film’s middle. Teddy, his robot bear, is with him and has been taught to be a wise companion. Teddy gave the best direction to David and Teddy act as David’s Assistant.

David heard Pinocchio’s story and he wants to be a human child. Finally, David meets Blue Fairy at request to convert him to a human child. But Blue Fairly told She can’t do it, But she can give him a date to spend with his human mother. David agrees with it. finally, David got that chance.

Using this movie we can explain Cognitive Machine concepts, Man-Machine coexistence, and Artificial Life.

2. Robot & Frank (2012)

Robot & Frank is an AI Science Fiction movie blended with Comedy and Drama that focused on Dementia patients with a medical assistant. The main two characters of this movie are Frank Langella and Robot. Frank’s Son decided to give a medical intelligence robot to his father, because he left the home and, after that no one had to treat his father and consider his father’s medical situation. Frank is friends with Robot and this robot is intended to help Frank with daily duties while also encouraging a therapeutic lifestyle that stresses healthy eating habits and cognitive exercises to help the brain recover and maintain function with developing a Man-Machine coexistence. When we are considering the movie’s environment, Frank uses Technologies like transparent smartphones, voice commands with video call systems. But at first, Frank doesn’t like Robot. However, the robot was able to win Frank’s heart. Frank lived in an Artificial environment.

In the middle of the story, Frank’s daughter Madison came to care for his father. She Disconnected Robot and helped his father to prove that Robot can’t care for her father like a human. But that is an unproductive thing. Frank wants a Robot. So he is a furtive active Robot. He can’t live without Robot. Franks feels he can return to crime and utilize the robot as a lockpicking tool since the robot lacks the conscious capacity to discern between ethical and criminal action. Robot helps this work because it wants to see Frank in Happy.

This Robot is a Self — evolving Machine because robots can control themselves individually. It knows its battery limit. It knows places to recharge and how to do it. It can connect and disconnect with itself. A Robot is a Medical Assistant, Nutritionist, A good friend who identifies Frank’s feelings.

The movie gives us a fascinating parable about how aging and caring may be transformed in the next few years, thanks to the flood of technology and the chances for in-home care with robots.

3. I am a mother (2019)

I am a mother is an Australian Science Fiction movie written by Michael Lloyd Green and directed by Grand Spuoter in 2019. This movie mainly focuses on Man-Machine coexistence and robotics. The film begins the day after the world’s extinction of humanity. Create a robot that can act as a scientific mother to keep the human race moving forward.

This robot encodes the mother with the qualities that a mother should have to have a good child in human society. For this purpose, 63 000 human embryos have been stored inside a secure bunker. The film begins with the robot mother giving birth to a girl. Beyond that, she is a Robot mother. Her next task is to create a perfect human mother who can take care of the children through the new daughter. At one point in the film, the robot mother asks her daughter a question: “Imagine a doctor has 5 patients. Everyone wants to have a different organ transplant. But they are difficult to find. The doctor comes to the 6th patient, but he can die. If treated promptly, but this patient has organs that fit all 5 others. what?”

This is the main difference between a human and a robot.

Even today, no matter how many robots similar to the human program have been developed, the robots have not been able to give the impression of the human brain. Someone who has been hurt together makes decisions thinking only about theories. Like a robot. It is difficult for a person to make a single decision on the above question. However, a robot can make a quick decision because it is a programmed machine.

Robotics ideas are used extensively in the film. There is only one robot inside the bunker. The banker, on the other hand, was dressed quite differently. Robots carry out every action in the outer world. They are intensely engrossed in farming operations. Some aerial creatures keep an eye on crops and everything that happens on the earth. The most important thing to keep in mind is that all of these robots have been designed to act like robots. All of the robots are controlled by the same command. The robots are under the control of the bunker’s robot mother. The daughter leaves it and returns to the banker with the daughter who was shot by the banker at one point in the film.

The daughter leaves it and returns to the bunker with the Daughter who was shot by the banker at one point in the film. Movement A large number of robots are blocking the daughter’s path. They initially attempt to shoot the daughter, but after that, they do not impede the traffic. As a result, the robot mom’s command is included in that permission. In the same way, the robot system is in control of everything. The bunker, as previously said, adopts a range of imaginative strategies. It has been 8 at the direct level of storage fetal technology and has the technique of recognizing the fetus’s sex for millions of years.

On the bunker’s side, wonderful technology allows a baby to develop into a baby without the use of a mother’s womb, and a robot can raise a baby into a magnificent human mother, replete with human feelings and behaviors. However, it shows itself to be a robot since it is designed to do its duty of producing a better human being for the world, which is why it raises its child. As previously detailed in the outer world, a high-tech robotic system oversees all agricultural work. Humans are detected by some flying robots, which attack them. Those robots slaughter the survivors, but they make a huge contribution to the world by improving it and consigning it to history.

4. Upgrade(2018)

Upgrade (2018) is an Australian cyberpunk action movie and Science fiction movie written and directed by Leigh Whannell and starring Logan Marshall-Green, Betty Gabriel, and Harrison Gilbertson. Attempting to depict a futuristic reality to the spectator. The video explores the brain-machine interface as well as cognitive science issues. The film is about a group of people who depend on technology. That is, wealth and power technology help live more. The film seeks to show the unintended consequences of using technology. Because human beings have emotions, human beings can look at different things humanely. But a machine cannot do that.

Grey Trace, is a mechanic, lives with his wife Asha, who works for Cobalt, a tech firm that controls everything with technology. Grey once went to see Eron, one of his customers, with his wife. Eron demonstrated his latest product, “STEM,” a cutting-edge computer chip that will revolutionize science and medicine. One day when Gray comes with his wife, someone hacked the car system. The car, which could not be controlled, was involved in an accident. The hackers kill Gray’s wife here. Gray’s spine breaks. Gray wants revenge for the murderers who killed his wife. Eron, a scientist, injects a chip that helps Gray walk, but Erin warns him to keep this a secret. The name of this chip is STEM. When he returned home, he was startled to hear a voice inside him. STEM wanted to assist Grey in the investigation of Asha’s killings. Gray was Surpised and could get it, So STEM is going to explain it. The sound waves of the words we use are sent to the eardrum and the stem communicates with Gray. The chip can talk the same way we talk. When Gray wants to walk, Steam does it. At the time, Gray was in control of Steam. But Stem works according to Gray’s commands.

With Stem’s help, Gray finds the whereabouts of one of the crews of a previous car accident. Gray just wants to make sure he’s the same person. But unfortunately, there is a conflict. Gray is a person who does not like conflict. But because he wants to survive, Gray orders STEM to take action against him. Eron realized he had no control over STEM and attempted to shut off the program. STEM also suggested locating a neighboring hacker and reactivating him with that hacker. This time, the STEM is in total charge and doesn’t need Grey’s permission to do a task. Grey’s mind was also unable to regulate the STEM’s operations. STEM plans to murder anyone who tried to stop him and replace them with a new one that is identical to the original. As a result, he killed Eron using Eron’s body. Before his death, Eron remarked that the STEM is the killer of all of these things, and that it necessitates the human body’s full potential. Finally, STEM has the power to control Grey’s mental functioning. Grey gets duped in a dream, and his brain’s interference is eliminated.

5. Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049, is a massive film made using artificial intelligence. It is a 2017 science fiction film released by American epic neo-noir. This was directed by Denis Villeneuve. With Ryan Gosling, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Mark Arnold.

The plot picks up 30 years after Rick Deckard, the “blade runner,” decided to abandon his pursuit of androids in favor of falling in love with one. Meanwhile, a ten-day “blackout” erased all digitally stored replicant-production records, causing a void in humanity’s database memory. K and his virtual partner Joi, a holographic artificial intelligence who appears to exist in the same realm as Samantha from Spike Jonze’s film her, share a shabby flat. In his post-mission debriefings, K is subjected to a Painteresque type of interrogative word association, which strangely flips Deckard’s replicant-detecting Voight-Kampff tests. At the beginning of the film, a “K” identifies a man by identifying his eye. He finds a box buried under a tree and hands the parts over to the lab. But the strange thing is that the girl was a robot mother who was about to give birth to a baby robot .This is a problem for them, and then they find the baby. Their only test sample was the hair of that robot mother. This is an amazing point from the robotics side of this movie

The researchers in the film programmed the SI, beating 49 people to win 49 Atari games in 2.5 hours. In this film we can see applications developed with Natural Language processing, Image Recognition, speech and voice recognition, holographic artificial intelligence.

